A decomposition cleanup or unattended death occurs in circumstances when a person passes away and the body is not discovered for a period of time, resulting in a dangerous and traumatic situation.
An untrained individual should never clean up or dispose of items in these circumstances, a decomposition requires professional qualified individuals in order to protect current and future occupants of the property from health risks and odours.
As a body decomposes bodily fluid is released carrying a high risk of infectious disease some potentially fatal, along with these hazards odours will permeate surrounding areas flooring and walls, if these are not properly and safely sanitised and deodorised these odours may emanate in the future.
Along with the hazards of dealing with the unattended death an undiscovered body can attract insect infestations further contaminating the property, as part of our National Academy of Crime Scene Cleaners training we are able to address all of these issues and safely clean and clear up after a decomposition, neutralising biological hazards and odours alike.
At Nottingham House Clearance Specialists we understand a decomposition can be particularly difficult to deal with, we are always happy to discuss any needs you may have relating to this situation.